How to Invest in Crypto Currencies with Low Budget

Cryptocurrency is a new trend in the exchange market. But the value that it holds keeps fluctuating often. So investing in the cryptocurrency can be both rewarding as well as risky. It all depends on the time when you start investing in these. The worth that it holds has seen lots of ups and downs in recent years.

A year ago the bitcoin was worth 1000$. Now it has the value of 7000$. It has also seen a rise in the value to about 19000$ in December 2017. So you can clearly see that those who invested in the past year have got a lot more benefit than those who have started investing in the recent few months.

Though cryptocurrency has been in the market for the last decade only, it has gained much popularity and interest. Now the question is how exactly should you invest in these cryptocurrencies in order to maintain a proper profitable mark?

The answer is Risk Management and Diversification.

The safest approach according to the prevailing conditions is to have multiple small investments in diverse cryptocurrency portfolio over time. It reduces the risk of loss to a greater extent. Also since you are investing over time, it will give you the opportunity to see the market trends in a clearer and better way.


Coinseed is one such portfolio management and micro-investment app. This is a really good platform from where you can invest with a small amount. It creates a portfolio from dozens of cryptocurrencies and makes small investments up to 5$ into your portfolio. You also have the option to link your credit card to the app to invest your spare change. This app also ranks the user-generated cryptocurrencies’ portfolios by their returns and then you can easily copy them as your portfolio or convert your cryptocurrencies to the portfolio.

Whenever you are investing, you need to invest in the right direction. Buying Bitcoin may not be possible with a low budget. But you can easily earn a bitcoin by mining it for free or by just investing 10 $ to 50 $.

So let us discuss the 2 scenarios:

  • When you have a budget of 10$ to 50$ to start with:

Hashflare is very often considered the best digital currency platform when it comes down to an investment of cryptocurrency. You can join Hashflare for free. The following link can be used to join it: .

Here you can easily mine the digital currency for an amount of about 10$ to 50$. But if you are a little flexible with your budget you can go for the 80$ option in order to get better and faster results. Most importantly, Hashflare is legit and secure running successfully all over the world.

Now you must be wondering how to go about with this Hashflare. Well you can use the following link address in order to familiarize yourself with the digital currency mining using Hashflare:

It is not that difficult to learn. But once you are through with it, you can definitely see the results after applying the knowledge. You can approximately earn an amount of 500$ to 1000$ in a few weeks by working for just 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Also, there are different plans available that you can choose according to your budget. There is one plan known as Ethash plan which helps you to mine Ethereum coin. You just need to renew your membership at Hashflare for the selected plan each year at the same time which obviously would be nothing in front of the profit that you earned in the whole year.

The top two digital currencies that are being mined are Bitcoin and Ethereum coin. You can mine both of them and see profit coming up in no time.

The next case is:

  • When you do not have any money to invest:

In this scenario, there is one popular platform that can give you the best results. This is Eobot. This is yet another digital currency mining platform that will give you the benefit of starting with your mining procedure for free. You can join the Eobot by the given link for free:

This too is a legit and highly trusted platform by all the digital currency miners. Just like Hashflare you can also search for videos related to Eobot digital currency mining video tutorials. Here again, you will get to earn about 500$ to 1000$ in a few weeks or so.

Use of Bitpipe:

Apart from the above two given situations, you can also go for bitpipe with the following link .

It is a bit tumbler that privatizes all your Bitcoin transactions using other currencies. Additionally, as an investor, you get paid the dividends just like the case when you invest in shares. This dividend actually comes from the fees that people pay to the Bitpipe site for the services that they get.

There are different plans through which you can invest your Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin in Bitpipe:

  • 6 weeks: 4.5% daily and 1% on weekends.

Total return: 147% (47%, 100% being your original investment)

  • 9 weeks: 3.6% daily 1 % on weekends.

Total return: 180% (80%, 100% being your original investment).

All these guidelines can positively help you invest in such a way so as to earn with a low budget in a fixed time interval. You just need to go forward in the right direction keeping in mind all the risks. Happy earning!

Pranav Rajput

20-year-old hailing from India who loves Technology & Entrepreneurship. I write lucid tutorials and trick pertaining to Smartphones, Computers and what not. Check my blogs at

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